My Skills
I have used bash for a long time, I use it on my raspberry pi for scripts and automation, such as running multiple commands in one file and setting a custom MOTD when logging in.
I have just started learning C++ and currently I am really enjoying it, I plan to further my knowledge in the future, I have already made basic console apps with it.
I have used C# when making games in Unity, allthough I like the syntax, it is not one of my favourite languages.
I know CSS, I am no expert at it, but I am far from a novice either, if there is something I do not know I can figure it out.
I have used GML for a few years now, all though it is not my goto game engine, I still really like programming with it.
I love HTMl, I love how your ideas can come to life on the web through lines of code, meaning the only limitation is your imagination.
JavaScript is one of my favourite languages, I use it on my phone with Scriptable for little scripts, and on my websites.
I am not very fluent in Lua, I know how to program using Lua, I'm just not very good at it.
my website uses PHP heavily from including the nav/footer files so I only have to edit one file, to my photo gallery like/dislike system I implemented.
P5.js is an all time favourite for me, I love the simplicity of it, how you can think it as a canvas, and how you can make it create simple shapes, to pieces of art.
I love using Python, I have used it for a long time, I use Pythonista on my iPhone for creating programs.
I recently switched from Unity to Unreal Engine Blueprints, I have used it for a while now, I have made a few simple games with it, I am currently learning more to make a bigger game.
I used to use unity for a long time, However I switched over to Unreal Engine and I prefer Blueprints over Unity.